Every Child Health

The BCG Vaccine: Protection against TB

bcg vaccine

What is the BCG vaccine?

As a parent, it is important to understand the importance of vaccinations for your child’s health and well-being. One of the vaccines that your child may receive is the BCG vaccine, also known as Bacillus Calmette-Guérin. The BCG vaccine is a highly effective and safe vaccine that is used to protect against tuberculosis (TB). The BCG vaccine, also known as Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, was invented by French scientists Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin.

In this blog, we will discuss the key aspects of the BCG vaccine, including its introduction, indication and contraindication, dose and route of administration, and more.

Is BCG vaccine a  Safe and Effective Protection Against Tuberculosis?

 Yes! It is a well-established and commonly administered vaccine that is known for its safety and effectiveness. 

What is age of administration of the BCG vaccine ?

BCG vaccine is typically administered to infants during their first few months of age and is suggested for all newborns in nations with a high rate of tuberculosis.

BCG vaccine indication and contraindication?

The BCG vaccine is indicated for all infants born in nations with a high prevalence of tuberculosis, such as Pakistan, as well as children at a higher risk of contracting TB due to exposure to someone with the disease. However, the BCG vaccine is contraindicated; for those children with weakened immune systems or a history of severe reactions to vaccines.

What is the dose and route of administration  of BCG vaccine?

The BCG vaccine is given by the intradermal route, which means that it is injected into the skin. The recommended dose of the BCG vaccine for infants is 0.05 milliliters (ml). After the BCG vaccine is given, a small, red bump may appear at the injection site, which is normal and usually goes away within a few weeks. In some cases, a small, raised scar may form at the injection site, which is a sign that the body has responded to the vaccine. The BCG vaccine scar persists for life. 

What is the price of BCG vaccine in Pakistan?

In Pakistan, the BCG vaccine is part of  the National Immunization Program. It is provided free of cost to all newborns in the country. 

Take home message:

In conclusion, the BCG vaccine is a safe and effective way to protect your child against tuberculosis. It is an important vaccine that is recommended for all newborns in countries with a high incidence of tuberculosis.

By now, you can make an informed decision about your child’s health and well-being!

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