Every Child Health

Teething 101: The Basics of Baby Teething

when do babies start teething


Teething is an essential milestone in a baby’s development, but it can be a challenging time for both parents and babies. As the teeth begin to emerge, babies may experience discomfort, pain, and other unpleasant symptoms. As a parent, it’s essential to understand when do babies start teething and the basics of teething to help your baby through this process. In this guide, we’ll discuss the stages of teething, common symptoms, and remedies to make this process as comfortable as possible for your little one.

Stages of Teething: when do babies start teething ?

Teething is a gradual process that can start as early as three months or as late as twelve months. There are three stages of teething, and each stage can last for several weeks or months:

Stage One:

The first stage of teething is when the baby’s teeth start to emerge through the gums. This stage usually occurs between three to seven months, and the two front bottom teeth are typically the first to appear.

Stage Two:

The second stage of teething occurs when the baby’s top teeth start to emerge. This stage typically occurs between eight to twelve months, and the four front teeth are the most common to appear.

Stage Three:

The third stage of teething occurs when the baby’s back teeth start to emerge. This stage typically occurs between twelve to twenty-four months, and the molars are the most common to appear.

Baby teething symptoms:

Every baby is different, and the symptoms of teething can vary from baby to baby.  Baby teeth sometimes emerge with no pain or discomfort at all. At other times, you may notice one or more of following symptoms:

1. their gum is sore and red where the tooth is coming through
2. they have a mild temperature of less than 38C
3. they have 1 flushed cheek
4. they have a rash on their face
5. they’re rubbing their ear
6. they’re dribbling more than usual
7. they’re gnawing and chewing on things a lot
8. they’re more fretful than usual
9. they’re not sleeping very well

Remedies for Teething:

As a parent, it’s natural to want to ease your baby’s discomfort during the teething process. Here are some remedies that can help:

Teething Rings:

Teething rings are designed to soothe your baby’s gums and provide relief. They are usually made of soft rubber or plastic and can be chilled in the refrigerator for added comfort.

Cold Washcloth:

A cold, damp washcloth can be an effective way to soothe your baby’s gums. Simply wet a washcloth with cold water and place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes before giving it to your baby to chew on.

Pain Relief Medication:

Over-the-counter pain relief medication, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can help relieve your baby’s pain and discomfort. However, it’s important to consult with your pediatrician before giving your baby any medication.


Q: When should I expect my baby to start teething?
A: Every baby is different, but most babies start teething between three to seven months.

Q: How can I tell if my baby is teething?
A: Common symptoms of teething include drooling, irritability, chewing on objects, swollen or tender gums, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, ear rubbing, and facial rash.

Q: What are some remedies for teething?
A: Teething rings, cold washcloths, and pain relief medication are all effective ways to soothe your baby’s gums during the teething process.


Teething is a natural process that every baby goes through, but it can be a challenging time for both parents and babies. Understanding the basics, including when do babies start teething, common symptoms, and remedies, can help you navigate this milestone with confidence. Remember, every baby is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to teething. Be patient, offer comfort, and consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns. 

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3 thoughts on “Teething 101: The Basics of Baby Teething”

  1. Dr. Naveed Alam

    Well done sir, this is very useful information and knowledge for every parent to learn and act on.
    Thank you for your time and efforts.

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